Felix Astner
JavaScript, Magento and other Software
Felix Astner

Exploring MUI's Type System: A Developer's Guide with Code Examples

As a software developer, when I step into the world of Material-UI (now MUI), one of the first things that strike me is its robust type system. The MUI type system enhances the development experience by providing clarity and guidance on the properties components accept. Here, we'll go beyond the basics and explore the types like StandardProps, React.HTMLAttributes, SxProps, ContainerClasses, and ComposedStyleFunction, complete with examples to showcase how these can be adjusted and used, particularly within the Typography component.

StandardProps in Action

StandardProps is a generic type in MUI that includes common properties for MUI components, combining React's HTML attributes and MUI's styled system:

import Typography from '@mui/material/Typography';
import { StandardProps } from '@mui/material';

interface CustomTypographyProps extends StandardProps<React.HTMLAttributes<HTMLElement>, 'root'> {
  component?: React.ElementType;
  customProp?: string;

const CustomTypography: React.FC<CustomTypographyProps> = ({ customProp, ...props }) => {
  // Logic with customProp
  return <Typography {...props}>This is custom typography!</Typography>;

<CustomTypography customProp="example" align="center" gutterBottom>
  Hello, MUI!

Here, CustomTypographyProps extends StandardProps, automatically inheriting properties suitable for any standard HTML element and MUI component.

Leveraging React.HTMLAttributes

The React.HTMLAttributes<T> type allows any standard HTML attributes for JSX elements of type T to be included in MUI components:

const MyComponent: React.FC<React.HTMLAttributes<HTMLDivElement>> = (props) => {
  return <div {...props}>Hello, world!</div>;

<MyComponent aria-label="greeting" tabIndex={0}>
  Content goes here.

This code snippet ensures that MyComponent can accept any standard HTML attributes, facilitating accessibility and reuse.

Styling with SxProps

SxProps allows for inline styling using the sx prop, which can reference theme values and apply responsive styles:

import Typography from '@mui/material/Typography';
import { SxProps } from '@mui/system';

const textStyle: SxProps = {
  fontSize: { xs: '1rem', sm: '1.2rem', md: '1.5rem' },
  color: 'primary.main',
  ':hover': { color: 'secondary.main' },

<Typography sx={textStyle}>
  Responsive Typography

This object, textStyle, showcases the power of SxProps, enabling responsive font size adjustments and interactive color changes.

Organizing Styles with ContainerClasses

ContainerClasses help manage style customizations for different component parts:

import Container, { ContainerClasses } from '@mui/material/Container';

interface Props {
  classes?: Partial<ContainerClasses>;

const MyContainer: React.FC<Props> = ({ classes, ...otherProps }) => {
  return <Container classes={classes} {...otherProps} />;

<MyContainer classes={{ root: 'my-container-root', maxWidthLg: 'my-container-maxWidthLg' }}>
  Content here

The classes prop allows for custom class names to be assigned to specific parts of the Container component.

Composing with ComposedStyleFunction

The ComposedStyleFunction allows for composing multiple style functions together for a coherent transformation:

import { styled, borders, palette, spacing, ComposedStyleFunction } from '@mui/system';

const combinedStyleFunction: ComposedStyleFunction<[typeof borders, typeof palette, typeof spacing]> = styled.compose(

const CustomBox = styled('div')(combinedStyleFunction);

<CustomBox borderColor="primary.main" p={2}>
  Composed styles in action!

In the CustomBox component, several styling functions are combined, ensuring consistency and order in style application.

Wrapping Up

Through this exploration of MUI's type system, we've uncovered the nuanced ways types can be used to create more predictable and maintainable components. By harnessing types like StandardProps, React.HTMLAttributes, SxProps, ContainerClasses, and ComposedStyleFunction, we empower ourselves to build robust, type-safe React applications.

If you're keen to further enhance your MUI prowess, delving into theming is the logical next step. For that, I recommend "The Power of Theming in MUI", an insightful read that demystifies the process of customizing MUI's default theme to align with your design vision. By combining a deep understanding of MUI's type system with theming,


Felix Astner

As a software developer, I bring a specialized focus in web technologies, enriched by my interests in C++, AI, and computer theory. If you're in need of any freelance services, expert training, or insightful consulting, I encourage you to connect with me.
